Did you know that most humans are more afraid of public speaking than death itself?
Apparently, if we have to choose between the two, we would rather die because we don’t want to experience fear of judgment, fear of embarrassment, fear of failure - feelings that we assume would come with talking in front of people.
Those fears can feel like death itself.
While speaking into a microphone for a podcast is far from “public speaking,” having the figurative spotlight shine on you could evoke similar feelings.
It’s not for lack of other amazing Bexley women to feature in the first season of Second Spring podcast that I chose myself. It was an intentional decision to be a guest for a few reasons that I mention in this episode.
One of the main reasons is precisely because it is uncomfortable to choose oneself: to be talking about oneself, to be vulnerable and share personal details publicly. It can be awkward to prioritize ourselves, be seen, be heard by others. We would rather hide and stay insignificant - it’s much easier that way!
But now that I am living the midlife chapter, I don’t want that - the hiding, staying insignificant, not prioritizing ourselves - be the message for me or you anymore. It’s time to do things differently!
We can stop hiding.
We can start taking up more space.
We can ask for help.
We can prioritize, celebrate, talk about ourselves without feeling weird or guilty.
Doing any or all of the above does not mean we are selfish, or narcissistic, or pompous. Sharing stories, especially with honesty and vulnerability can actually be the best gift we can give to ourselves and others.
Take Brené Brown’s first Ted Talk, for example. Apparently, she suffered a huge “vulnerability hangover” afterwards and wanted to disappear into the ether. But because of her speech (now with over 20 million views), countless people benefited from hearing about her research and stories on shame. Millions of people felt permitted to feel okay and be more vulnerable. Hundreds and thousands of people’s lives improved because of her 20 minute speech.
Don’t worry, I am no Brené Brown. I am not looking to change the world to the extent that she has done and continues to do. But I am committed to no longer hiding what small nuggets I might have to share; nuggets that may help someone, somewhere, feel better somehow.
And I think you should join me!
We don’t have to get on a stage, do a podcast interview, or make TikTok videos to make a difference. If you can overcome any fear you might have around being vulnerable, sharing your stories with others, championing yourself (and others) in some way, I encourage you to do it!
I’d love to hear your thoughts after you have listened to this conversation I had with the wonderful Caitlin Faas, my fellow coach and intrepid facilitator for this episode.
As always, please share the podcast with all your friends and family in their second spring chapter. You never know how it might impact one, two, or millions of people someday!
The table gets turned (mostly) to Kit for this final episode of Second Spring Podcast Season 1 when her friend and coach colleague, Caitlin Faas, facilitates the interview!
Kit shares how she’s feeling about parenting young adults as an empty nester; some tools that she has found helpful and what she finds challenging in this chapter.
You will hear how Kit answered Caitlin’s question: “What do you not want the person in front of you to know about you?”
See if she’s having a midlife crisis!
You will also get to hear a bit about this episode’s facilitator, Caitlin Faas, who is an academic, a life coach as well as a meditation teacher. Caitlin has had her own version of Second Spring, a pretty traumatic one at that. While healing from the challenging transition, Caitlin found her mentor.
Learn what it’s like for a coach to have a guide and an apprenticeship and what you, too, can experience if and when you need help through your own Second Spring transitions as well.
Are you ready to thrive in your Second Spring by living intentionally, eating intuitively and loving yourself unconditionally, so you can feel healthier, happier, more calm and confident?
Kit is opening up spots for her 1:1 8-week coaching program.
Have a chat with Kit to see if this is what you need.
Free Consult Session with Kit for Second Spring Coaching
Caitlin’s mentor, Scott Schwenk
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