Second Spring Chronicle
Second Spring
Second Spring Podcast: Betty Brown

Second Spring Podcast: Betty Brown

Midlife Wellness with Ayurveda

It’s possible that I was exposed to Ayurveda before any other types of medicine in my life. The same may be true for you as well. This should not be surprising since the earliest known humans and cultures originated from South India, the birthplace of Ayurvedic Medicine.

Here are some proofs:

  • Using breath to calm down? Ayurveda!

  • Move your body to find internal strength & peace like a yoga practice? Ayurveda!

  • Eat your biggest meal earlier in the day for best digestion? Ayurveda!

  • Pay attention to seasonal changes in order to take care of our internal well-being? Ayurveda!

  • All diseases begin in the gut? Ayurveda!

Some may argue that Chinese Medicine is just as ancient, or could be the precursor to Ayurveda - or vice versa. Regardless, it’s clear that Ayurveda and Chinese medicine share many similarities: they prioritize lifestyle, mind-body medicine and disease prevention over sick-care.

Both traditional healing paradigms look to nature and its elements as teachers and healers. They both believe in treating the root cause of disease and think that 80% of the time, the problem begins in our digestive system. As such, Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines emphasize the importance of what, how and how much food we consume. Food as medicine is not just a concept in these traditional systems; it is an essential part of a healthy, well-balanced life.

I became much more aware of Ayurvedic medicine when I first met Betty Brown years ago. Betty came in for some acupuncture sessions as she was starting her Ayurvedic studies. We discovered common interests (food being a big one!), went through an intensive hypnotherapy training together, and have stayed connected ever since.

Bexley sure is lucky to have Betty as its go-to Ayurvedic medicine practitioner!

I am grateful that Betty said yes to coming (back) on the Second Spring podcast today. You will get to hear Betty’s origin stories; how Ayurveda has influenced her life and her practice and what it is doing for her in this midlife chapter.

We also, of course, discuss parenting, healthy aging, and so much more!

Please enjoy my conversation with Betty and share it with all your friends. Or maybe, at least, just one friend.


As always, thank you for your support!

Betty Brown is a NAMA - Ayurvedic Practitioner, holistic nurse, and founder of B Well Ayurveda Health Coach. 

Betty is also a yoga instructor, a mother, an amazing cook, a fellow food & Kimchi lover as well as a fellow Bexley resident. 

Ayurveda has helped Betty to take charge of her own health. She works with clients to help them feel empowered to make positive changes in their life using the ancient wisdom and medicine of Ayurveda.

What is Ayurveda

Betty’s website

Betty’s instagram

Women’s retreat with Betty

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Second Spring Chronicle
Second Spring
Welcome to Second Spring Podcast with Kit Yoon. I'm a licensed acupuncturist, and an integrative health coach. In the podcast, I share tools and wisdom from Chinese Medicine and Coaching that will help you achieve and maintain a sustainable, healthy life we can actually enjoy.