Second Spring Chronicle
Second Spring
Episode 65: Clear Clutter to Improve Your Overall Health with Cathi du Puy

Episode 65: Clear Clutter to Improve Your Overall Health with Cathi du Puy

In today’s episode, Kit welcomes Cathi du Puy, a professional home organizer who helps people get their space uncluttered, so it helps them live the healthiest life. Creating calm on the inside creates calm on the outside, as our guest explains.

Stay tuned as you will find out about du Puy’s background, when she started doing “organizing magic” and turned her hobby into a business.

Learn which items serve a purpose in your life, how difficult it is to replace them, and where the difference between WHAT YOU VALUE and WHAT HOLDS VALUE.

Outer calm, indeed, creates inner peace.

For show notes, please go to:

Second Spring Chronicle
Second Spring
Welcome to Second Spring Podcast with Kit Yoon. I'm a licensed acupuncturist, and an integrative health coach. In the podcast, I share tools and wisdom from Chinese Medicine and Coaching that will help you achieve and maintain a sustainable, healthy life we can actually enjoy.