Second Spring Chronicle
Second Spring
Episode 24: Being Present Through Mindfulness with Cecilia Shanahan

Episode 24: Being Present Through Mindfulness with Cecilia Shanahan

In today’s episode, Kit is joined with Cecilia Shanahan, an MBSR trained teacher, and a yoga instructor. Kit and Cecilia discuss how being present through mindfulness can bring us peace, especially during these unprecedented times that we are living in. Particularly, you will learn more about Cecilia's background and her work, how meditation keeps us in present and makes us calm, what MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) techniques are, and how Cecilia adopted them in her teachings. Moreover, you will find out everything about Cecilia's new 1 on 1 coaching that will help beginners to dive into meditation and mindfulness, while more experienced practitioners will be able to deepen their knowledge around it. 

Second Spring Chronicle
Second Spring
Welcome to Second Spring Podcast with Kit Yoon. I'm a licensed acupuncturist, and an integrative health coach. In the podcast, I share tools and wisdom from Chinese Medicine and Coaching that will help you achieve and maintain a sustainable, healthy life we can actually enjoy.