Second Spring Chronicle
Second Spring
Episode 12: The Best Diet for Weight Loss

Episode 12: The Best Diet for Weight Loss

“I believe with every part of me that being mindful, whether it's with food, with eating, with life, in general, is the ticket for us to really get to live the life that we want.” Kit Yoon

In this week’s episode, Kit talks about the ME Diet, the best diet for creating freedom around weight and food! Particularly, you will learn why our eating has to be mindful, intentional, and nourishing, why ME Diet is far more superior to the other nutritional therapies, and what is the best way to practice it. Besides, you will hear some interesting stories from Kit’s recent trip to Thailand and get all the info about her upcoming event, Mindful Eating Reset.

Second Spring Chronicle
Second Spring
Welcome to Second Spring Podcast with Kit Yoon. I'm a licensed acupuncturist, and an integrative health coach. In the podcast, I share tools and wisdom from Chinese Medicine and Coaching that will help you achieve and maintain a sustainable, healthy life we can actually enjoy.