Second Spring Chronicle
Second Spring
Episode 31: My Intuitive Eating Journey Update

Episode 31: My Intuitive Eating Journey Update

Today, Kit will give us a glimpse of what intuitive eating journey has been for her. Keep listening and you will find out why dieting is a thing of her past, how we can overcome the feeling of desolation after we gain a couple of pounds, and how we can learn to listen to our bodies. There is no good food and bad food. Ideal weight or ideal look is not appliable on everyone. A universal diet plan doesn't suit everybody. A journey to a natural, healthy, and happy body is unique for each one of us and Kit will help you make your first step. Tune in and find out more!

Second Spring Chronicle
Second Spring
Welcome to Second Spring Podcast with Kit Yoon. I'm a licensed acupuncturist, and an integrative health coach. In the podcast, I share tools and wisdom from Chinese Medicine and Coaching that will help you achieve and maintain a sustainable, healthy life we can actually enjoy.